
About Hood.de

Hood.de as the first online marketplace with Amazon Pay connection.

Online shopping carefree all around: log in to Hood.de via Amazon login, buy or sell articles and receive and send payments with Amazon Pay.


  • Over 10 million potential customers
  • Unbeatable prices
  • Extensive product features such as cross variants with up to 5 dimensions, XXL images with zoom function, UVP discount prices etc.
  • High placement of your offers in search engines and Google-Shopping
  • First marketplace worldwide with connection to Amazon Pay (and other leading payment systems such as PayPal, Klarna)
  • Trusted Shops-certified shop software
  • Customer login with Amazon Pay: every Amazon customer can log in and order on Hood
  • Trustami Seal of Trust included free of charge
  • Cooperation with IT law firm (IT-Recht-Kanzlei), Trusted Shops, janolaw & Händlerbund for your legal security
  • Easy import and administration of inventories and orders via our interface partners such as Plentymarkets, magnalister, Byzo, DreamRobot, Tradebyte and others
  • Support in setting up & optimizing your shop with e-commerce consultants
  • Hood Shopping App
  • Connection to easybill for convenient invoice creation