Kategorie Archiv: Tax

Tax changes in 2024

To ensure that you are as well prepared as ever for the coming year 2024, we have summarized the most important tax changes for entrepreneurs. There are also a number of other changes that will primarily affect private households and are therefore covered in less detail here. However, the most important thing for you in…

The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for VAT in the EU: making cross-border business easier

What exactly does the One-Stop-Shop stand for? In a globalized world where companies are increasingly operating across borders, simplifying business processes is crucial. One of the latest tools introduced in the past two years to help companies in the European Union (EU) simplify their VAT settlements is the so-called “One-Stop-Shop” (OSS) procedure. This concept has…

Priceless Updates

Three quarters of the year have already passed and so much has happened in easybill. Today we give you an overview of the most important innovations of the last time. Important especially with regard to new features or extensions of existing store interfaces in e-commerce. Invaluable updates to the software itself, to our servers and…
