Onboarding webinars as a first introduction to easybill. Do you already know the benefits of the easybill service package? It is often said that “Germany is a service desert”, but at easybill we take a different view of the services we offer our customers. Unlike many service providers, easybill offers all-round free support, which is always included in all easybill packages.
- No additional costs
- No time restrictions for telephone inquiries and
- no limits for inquiries by e-mail.
We are always there to support you whenever you need us. Free of charge!
New onboarding webinars on offer
To expand our service package, we have recently started offering free onboarding webinars to get started with easybill. Customers who have been with us for some time but are still interested in the latest functions are also very welcome here.
We will take you through the setup of your account and the most important mandatory fields that you should fill in right at the start. Of course, you can do this at any time during your test phase, but it makes sense to enter the information if you want to start right away with legally compliant documents and, above all, invoices.
Our easybill service team will be on hand to assist you and show you the important steps. Of course, we will also keep the time at the end of the webinar free for any questions you may have.
Free telephone set-up as an add-on
If the free onboarding webinar was sufficient for the basic settings, but you would still like to clarify individual questions with our support team, it is best to book an appointment for free telephone setup directly via the account.
Our support team will get in touch with you at the desired time. If you still have any doubts, we can review the settings you have already made together. You can discuss individual questions or challenges that specifically affect your company because you may be subject to special tax regulations or your industry has individual requirements for the invoice structure with our team.
We will take the time to answer all your questions until you are completely sure that all requirements have been implemented.
Onboarding webinar in e-commerce
For new customers who are active in e-commerce, we go one better: in addition to the onboarding webinar for beginners, we offer a webinar for the e-commerce settings. We will show you the areas of the easybill Import Manager that are relevant for your settings.
Our support team will still be happy to make personal settings for your marketplace or online store with you as part of the free introduction. Nevertheless, the webinar will give you a first impression of all the possibilities that our Import Manager has to offer. Whether it’s monitoring delivery thresholds, exporting shipping data or setting the template logic for different print templates for your invoices – we’ll show you how it’s done!
More free webinars for everyone
Are you already familiar with our webinar overview on the easybill website? We will inform you regularly about the next webinars we are planning for you. Our service is absolutely free of charge for you.
The most diverse topics are represented here. Our easybill team is often supported in the webinar by a competent partner from our easybill ecosystem. Whether webinars for tradespeople or online retailers, whether tax topics or more financial topics – our service knows no bounds.
Read also:
Tax changes in 2024
Now in easybill: Batch processing for customer data
The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) for VAT in the EU: making cross-border business easier