Much more modern, much more transparent, much more informative! An all-round new design. Your heart is pounding right now because you’re looking at weeks of getting used to using easybill? You can breathe a sigh of relief! We are not talking about our software, but…
…our easybill website!
Our easybill website will shine in new splendor from February 2022. There will be new functions and pages, which you did not know so far or only found in the previous footer. We are changing that with immediate effect! You want a little preview of the new design? We would like to present it to you!
easybill blog and guide

Our blog and also our advisor pages enjoy many interested people. We always keep you up to date with the latest developments, and our advice pages provide you with information on all aspects of business-related topics, not just invoices. Proforma invoices are new to you, but you don’t like to browse through complex pages? Our guidebook has something up its sleeve for everyone.
In our blog, we tackle the most important tax-related topics, as well as other topics that might be important to your business. Take a look regularly and stay up2date!
Function overview in the new design

Until now, you could never really see at a glance what easybill can actually do? Now, with the new website design, that’s no longer a challenge. Via the main menu, we show you our most important functions directly at a glance. Read the success stories of long-time easybill customers who can’t imagine invoicing any other way. In our topic world, we regularly provide you with important articles on invoices, easybill and tax-related topics.
Tax accountant platform via easybill website
Our support team is often asked if we can recommend a tax advisor who knows e-commerce, who specializes in the craft industry, or who can simply take care of the accounting. This page, which existed before, now also shines in a fresh design. Find tax consultants at a glance who already work with easybill and have had good experiences. Save yourself the time of having to introduce your tax consultant to the topic.