Invoices as a success factor: How to use payment documents as an effective marketing tool

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Writing invoices is important. Probably no one who runs a business or is responsible for invoicing, order management or sales questions that. Everyone is very concerned about the liquidity of the company and accurate tracking numbers and data.

But have you ever looked at your invoices, which are unfortunately perceived by many as “annoying”, “time-consuming” and “troublesome”, from a different angle? How do your customers perceive your invoices? What else could your invoice offer as added value and represent more than just a payment document for your company?

In our blog, we would like to give you a different view of the invoice as a marketing tool. Perhaps it will also give you food for thought in a whole new direction. However, see the points as a recommendation for action.

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Invoices as a marketing tool with customer loyalty

If you’ve viewed invoices as a necessary evil, let’s think outside the box today. Take a look at your invoice from the customer’s point of view. Of course, it’s also the basis for proper payment for him, but in terms of your business, it can be so much more.

Depending on the design of your invoice template, you can also add value to your customer. Don’t underestimate the customer loyalty you can bring to your customer through personalized text, graphics, or features. We’re not talking about gaudy invoices and a flashy color for your logo here.

But your invoice can still be an eye-catcher. Add a feature such as a discount code for the next order or a referral discount, ensure customer loyalty or even new customer acquisition. Nothing is more valuable than positive feedback and referrals from customers themselves. Customers trust other customers.

Personalization creates customer loyalty

Work with personalized wording to address your customer directly and build a connection with him. About his product order, his name or additional information in the order you already get a lot of information that can be reflected in your invoice texts to him. Order “nice greetings to Freiburg, the warmest city in Germany” when your customer comes from there and put a smile on his face. He will surely remember it days later or tell others about it.

Or work out personalized offers for follow-up orders. Choose discounts or other products in the offer that match your customer’s interests. Make it easier for him to decide on the follow-up purchase or present new products that the customer may not have had on his list until then.

Use invoices for Cross-Selling and Up-Selling


Your customer has already purchased an item that would fit perfectly into a whole set of other items? List these or links to these products again in your invoices. Make sure your invoice is once again perceived as a reminder of your online store so the buyer finds their way back there.

Use your invoice not only for billing, but also to increase sales for future orders.

Creative invoice design as a success factor

Don’t choose the standard design that everyone uses. Don’t underestimate how much an invoice with your own company logo makes a difference in the customer’s perception. Of course, these days there are many offers with free invoice creation in the marketplace or directly via an integrated app in the online store. But can this invoice also be personalized? Do you have the texts and graphics in your own hands? Or do you use a 0815 template here like any other seller and get lost in the crowd?

Stand out and go your own way. Don’t give the invoicing out of your hands just because it seems cheaper at first glance. Think about the long-term consequences.

Do not lose sight of data protection aspects

Despite all the personalization, you should of course not ignore the data protection aspects. Check exactly which customer data is available to you and which you are allowed to use. In the best case, even get advice here on whether your plan does not violate any regulations.

Pay particular attention to the requirements for sales via marketplaces. Many marketplaces list in their seller guidelines which content may be displayed on an invoice or any document sent to the customer and which content would be an absolute no-go. Online store operators are much more flexible here.


easybill for automated invoice generation

Anyone who says that invoicing can’t be fun has certainly not yet tested the automation in easybill. Convince yourself and connect your marketplace or online store with easybill. Let the software retrieve your orders at specific times and convert them into invoices.

You determine the templates and the layout, of course. Set them up according to your CI (Corporate Identity). By means of queries in the invoice text, you can output an extensive range of personalizable texts.

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